Friday, February 15, 2008

V-Day Fun!

Happy day late! We did not do much. Mckinley and I spent most of the day Wednesday delivering cards a cookies to some of our favorite people. We made these cards that had her handprints on them. She loved dipping her hands into paint...which makes me think that possibly she does have some of my DNA somewhere in her! 

Chris and I celebrated our Valentines on Wednesday night so we could avoid the crowd. We went to dinner, to get pedicures (totally Chris' idea), and then to a movie. He was trying to be nice and let me pick the movie that we went to. Well, lets just say that we ended up walking out, so our night came to an end early. Oh well...we got to spend the rest of the evening with our precious little Valentine! 

1 comment:

KimBeau Hughes said...

I'm so glad you are blogging! I miss you guys already. Thanks for a great week in Santa Fe. Love you sister.