Saturday, August 29, 2009


Life has definitley been an adjustment over the past week. Charis is a great baby. She sleeps all the time! Mckinley was in shock when she came home from school to find such a sweet surprise. Things were going great until she realized that I actually had to care for Charis too. Here are some of the things that she has said this week that have really given us all a good laugh.

1. Mckinley to me as I am holding Charis "Put her down mom. It's my turn to eat."
2. Mckinley to Charis as she is crying "It's okay sweetheart. Mommy pix (she can't say the letter "f") you."
3. Mckinley to me when I asked if she wanted a spanking (she has been asked that NUMEROUS times this week: "It's okay mommy, I don't do spankings."
4. Mckinley to both of us as we were trying to get her to bed: "I need go to the hospital. My nose is broken, (meaning she couldn't breathe out of it).
5. Mckinley to Charis the first time she saw her (Charis was still in NICU at this point): "What in her nose?," referring to the feeding tube the poor thing had to have for a week and a half.
6. Mckinley telling other people what is wrong with her Aunt Sarah "Her lung broke. So she in hospital." Sarah got admitted this week for a pulmonary embolism. Good times!!
7. Mckinley to Chris when he told her that he loved her "Okay dad. I lub you for thirty minutes."
8. Mckinley talking about bugs: "I don't wike bugs. Their diculous (ridiculous)."

Life sure is fun with two girls!! :)

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