Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Charis is 7 Months!

I just looked at the date and realized that Charis is seven months old today!! I really wanted to be more diligent about writing things down as she grew...but let's just say that has not happened. Oh well, it is never late to start, right??

Right now, Charis is so much fun. She is a great sleeper. She takes at least two naps a day, and she sleeps around thirteen hours a night!! So great!! She loves to smile and talk. I really thought that she was going to be the "quiet child," but I am not thinking so much. McKinley and I will walk out of the room, and she will immediately start talking. Its as if she is saying "hey, wait! Don't forget me!" Charis has recently realized that she has an older sister. Every time that McKinley walks past her, Charis' whole face lights up. McKinley, on the other hand, acts really annoyed. In fact, the other day, McKinley looked at me and said, "Mom, Charis is not my best friend because she is waaaay to loud." :) Good times! One of my favorite things is getting Charis up first thing in the morning. I will walk in the room and over to her crib. As I start looking down over her, she gets the biggest smile on her face. Sometimes, she even laughs out loud. Love it!! She had her 6 month appointment last week, and her doctor said that she looked wonderful!! We were so thankful for such a great report!

I love you Charis, Care-bare ( I swore I wouldn't use this nick name, and it is totally starting to stick! ), Care-Burrita ( this name comes from Mac....she got the "burrita part from one of Uncle Jake's songs! :). I can't wait to see what the next month of your sweet little life brings! You are such a blessing to all of us!!

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