Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I used to be so good about writing the crazy things down that McKinley says. However, being that she says something that makes me all most fall over every day, I did get a little overwhelmed. Anyhow, here is some of her most recent commentary:

Me "Okay, McKinley do you want to read the bible before you go to bed?"
M "Sure.:
Me "What story do you want to read?"
M "Let's read the one about the giant pickle."

Hmmmm, I am starting to think that she is taking Veggie Tales a little too seriously. Just a hunch.

The other night we were reading the bible, and she sat there and listened so intently. We were on the story of Sarah and Abraham. All of the sudden she looked up and said, "They are great. But what happened to Adam?"

Also, a couple of weeks ago, McKinley was dying for some vanilla pudding. She asked Chris to get it for her. When he said no, she resorted to option number two. So, she comes to me and says "Mom, will you get me some vanilla pudding?" I sure couldn't resist that sweet voice, so I told her I would. She responded with "thanks mom, I knew I could count on you."

This is the last one....I promise. This past weekend my mom came to town. McKinley was so excited because Gigi pretty much does whatever McKinley wants (even if that includes eating whoppers for breakfast). So we were all at Mardel, and we had loaded up a entire cart full of stuff. We get to the check out, and McKinley start talking about how Gigi needed to help her put one of her new toys together. Then out of know where McKinley looks at me and says "Mom, Gigi is gonna help me put this together because er (you) aren't smart enough." Awesome. She is three, and she already thinks that she is smarter than me. We have a long road ahead of us folks. :)


Susan and Craig said...

I love the quotes! She is adorable. You will be glad you wrote those down.

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