I can't believe that McKinley is actually one year old! This year has flown by so fast. She celebrated her first birthday on the 26th of December. To be honest, I think it was more of a celebration for Chris and I than it was for her. In fact, she was not even interested in the presents. She was more excited about the paper and bows that her gifts came in.
I have a small confession to make about her birthday this year. During the course of this entire year, I have met so many people that have birthdays in December. Their main piece of advice: make sure to keep her birthday and Christmas completely separate. I would shake my head and agree. I mean she is one, and combining these two holidays would leave scars that would last for her entire life, right? Well, as the holiday season approached life got crazy, and I did it. I combined her birthday and Christmas present!! Notice how the red wagon present at both Christmas and the birthday party. Opps! However, I felt totally redeemed when McKinley even after opening all of her other presents still went for the red wagon she got from Chris and me . In fact, she was so territorial at her birthday party that she pushed another friend in the face because she was well, in her way and in HER wagon. I am thinking that one of our New Years resolutions should be teaching Mckinley how to share.
mmmmmmmmm that little bald p-ssy will soon be ready for play
never mind soon if they are old enough to pee they are old enough for me, I love my hand in the nappy rubbing the warm, soft, moist, bald, puffy, tight , baby p-ss-, they kick and coo like mad then once that little tingle of the first orgasm starts in the p-ss- they gently sob as it hits, LOVE sucking my fingers clean after to taste that lovey 1 yr old c--t, if I get a chance take her nappy off let her pee in my mouth then lick her clean, we ran a home babysitting service for years I have had lots of p-s-y and c--k under 5, taught a few how to suck c--k
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